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#006 Södertälje

Distance: 39,4km
Height: 438m
Direction: Clockwise
Style: Excellent gravel with short sections of single track. 
Percentages: 71% gravel or single track. 29% Asphalt road
Recommend at least 30mm tyres for comfort


I never would have expected to find such amazing a varied gravel roads only minutes cycle from Södertälje Centrum. An excellent tour with landscape changing nearly every minute of the cycle. The adventure begins at Sverigefinska Förskolan you start on asphalt for 2.8km before you turn off onto the gravel. 12 km of great gravel has you to Sundsvik Strand where you meet the asphalt. Its only for 1.6km and it leads onto the next gravel roads.

Due to recent logging in the area the gravel has gotten an upgrade, meaning, the stones are quite chunky. Its the part where you’re gland you have a gravel bike and not a road bike. 30mm tyres are fine but 40mm or even 52mm ( what I have ) are even better. This 9km section gets better better the further in you go. The gravel evens off as you re-enter the forest and you can see why you made the journey to this route. Don’t miss the sharp left, the secret link, the easy but super fun single track which brings you out at the ICA in Enhörna. This is at the 25km mark so I guess its a good a place and anywhere to stop for a break and for those “sugen” for fika, well, now’s your chance.

This part of the tour has now been updated. You nolonger ride through the quarry but instead follow a cycle lane after ICA before heading north back into Bastmora. This tour now reverts back to the original excellent gravel road as the access issues around Vattenbrinken has also been resolved. Take a short single track through the forest to avoid riding through a new build’s back garden . A left trun then right turn has you back on track. ( GPX map has been updated ) Quickly fly down the new asphalt road to get to next gravel of Lina Naturreservat. Short but beautiful before you hope over the main road and into Olofsskog forest. There must be a hundred different trails in here but I’ve tried to keep it to the best flow-y wide single track to have you smiling back to Gamla Enhörnavägen and to the start of the tour. Like all of the tours on this feels like a great adventure and is definitely a great day out.

For those who want this tour can be extended another 30km by heading further north on the peninsula to Överenhörna making it over 70km.


This Post Has 4 Comments

    1. Hej Dominic,

      I agree, a great route. I bet you didn’t meet anyone out there.
      How was it when you where going around the open quarry and then coming back into the houses at Vattubrinken?


  1. Grustaget är igenbommat med rejäla grindar och många skyltar, det lämpar sig inte att cykla igenom där längre. Fick vända vid grinden och korta av rutten via Enhörnaleden.

    1. Thank you for that Alex. I’m going to look into the problem and maybe re-route the tour. The riding is just as good around Malmsjön to the south.

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