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#004 Tyresta

#004 Tyresta Loop

Distance: 48.4km
Height: 402m
Direction: Anti-clockwise
Style: Excellent gravel and easy single track

NB: This route has been altered to avoid the problematic horse stables.

Those living in Stockholm often forget how lucky they are to have such amazing nature right on their door steep. And the jewel in the crown of this nature is Tyresta National Park. This wonderful location and surrounding areas has excellent gravel roads which need to be cycled. The route we are describing actually loops around the park without entering it. There are specific rules about cycling in the park so if you are entering the park please obey the cycle signs and bear in mind its forbidden to cycle in most of the park.

Our route starting in Jordbro first follows quiet gravel roads with rough surface to start with but gradually getting better until you hit the asphalt south of the national park. There is a way to skip the majority of the next asphalt section but its recommended to have 50mm tyres or more and for riders with MTB experience. Ask in the comments if you want more info. Once we turn off Åvavägen the real adventure begins. Excellent gravel takes you across Tyresta Nature Reserve where you hit asphalt again for a short period before you get on to the main event. Turning off Rundmarsvägen the gravel becomes dream like with the only downside is that its not longer.

After cross the bridges at Tyresö-Flaten you unfortunately hit civilisation and be reminded you are still in Stockholm. Care must be taken along Gammalströmmen as it’s a popular walking destination with often lots of children running around. Here the temptation is always to try your luck cutting through the forest to Ramsjön but our experience its way easier to stay on the road and take the long loop around. Leading into Ramsjön is fast single track and after is slightly more technical but easily do-able trail which will have you flying down to Tyrestavägen. From here it’s a case of picking your way through Slätmossen and Jordbro back to the starting point. Although there is a fair amount of asphalt in this tour it’s still recommend as a great ride which you won’t regret. A Stockholm classic you shouldn’t miss out.

NOTE: This route has been altered to no longer ride passed the horse stables between Forsvägen and Lyckebyvägen.

This Post Has 26 Comments

    1. Hej Niclas,
      Thank you for your message. Yes, Tyresta is special and surprisingly dry even with the rain. We also have a single track section which leads on to even more gravel which we might add in the future. Its very bike-able but it’s for those who are looking for adventure. Keep on checking the sight for more routes, we have plenty more to publish. Happy graveling!

  1. Körde med en kompis igår men vi fick tyvärr vända vid Åvavägen då han var helt slut =), rundan annars var riktigt trevlig men nästa gång blir det hela varvet runt. Blev tipsad av en kompis om denna sida för 1,5 vecka sen och provade Årsta havsbadsrundan. Mycket bra runda och en efterlängtad sida! Fortsätt så!
    Det blir att beta av runda för runda =)

    1. Hej Christoffer,
      Thank you for your message. Pity you didn’t get to finish the Tyresta loop, but I’m sure you will next time. Did you go clockwise or anti-clockwise? The gravel south of Åvavägen is super. Feels remote! When we rode the Årsta havsbad loop we were surprised at how good it is. If you liked the second half through the forest try the Nynäshamn Line. To Ösmo especially is great. I usually take the Pendaltåg back to Stockholm after. Also, the Lida loop is worth the effort. Its hard but it will bring you to parts of Stockholm you didn’t know existed! Happy graveling!

  2. Tried it out with a friend. Despite very wet conditions today a truly magnificent ride, sometimes a special feeling surrounded by deer lika on a savannah. Lost the good gravel track on the way back due to iphone battery capacity, turned out to be either too MTB or too asphalt. Our fault. Thanks for great inspiration and a nice site.

    1. Thank you Henrik. Tyresta really is a special location. If you liked that tour you should try #009 The hidden trail. It’s in the same area and I think its maybe even better. Pity about your battery but at least you know you have something to go back to. Please keep in touch and let us know where else you get to ride. Michael

    1. Hej Nickey,

      700x32c will be fine. Some parts it might feel a little rough but you’ll manage.
      Have a great tour and let us know how you got on.

  3. Hello, awesome site! I arrived in Stockholm recently and started with gravel riding. Your site is really nice for inspiration. I did large parts of the Tyresta loop, absolutely fantastic and mind blowing. Did the Nacka one last week, also really nice. Will definitely check out the other suggestions as well


  4. Mycket trevlig sträcka med flera möjligheter att undersöka lite av Tyrestas sevärdheter, bl.a. Stensjödal. Kändes dock lite tveksamt när jag passerade en gård vid hjorthägnen där de hade flertalet bommar med kodlås, men med cykel gick det bra att passera. 🙂

    1. Hej Joakim,

      I understand about the deer fence. I though the same the first time I rode it. But, as you’ve pointed out, there’s no problem for bikes to pass.

  5. Riktigt fin runda med superfina grusvägar. Hade kanonväder och lagom fuktigt underlag. Mötte en hel del jägare ute i skogen så tips att ha färgglada kläder 🙂

  6. Körde delar av rutten idag. Tyvärr är det en fastighetsägare innan Erikslund / Svartbäcken som satt upp skylt med privat tomt och en bom som jag kunde krypa under men jag tyckte det var lite olustigt att ta mig under bommen.

    1. Hej Anders,
      That’s very interesting. Thank you for letting us know. Was it at the horse stables? Most Likely what they have done is illegal. Once I know where it is for sure we can look into it more. 

      1. Hey, I rode this yesterday and I know which house it is. Its just by the lake, before you get to the really nice “beach” where there are lots of ducks (best description haha)

        There is a house which has setup a really high tech road barrier that you have to crunch under to get through, since they put large boulders on both sides of it. Its one of those electric road barriers. Oddly enough its only on one side of the property…

        Also got a question regarding the horse stables. Got yelled at yesterday when passing. And they set up signs that “no cycling is allowed”. They let us pass but told us to go slow, really weird…

        1. Hej Dave,

          Thanks for that. It’s strange how the boom is set up and my guess is that it’s illegal. Most likely it’s there to stop young guys and girls from driving through on mopeds in the dead of night. I’ll drop a pin on the map. Please correct me if it’s in the wrong place. As for the horse stables, yes, always a sticky place. Horse and bicycles are not a good mix. Always be on the look out for horses and dismount if you see a horse coming in your direction.

  7. Today we went for this loop but just before the “horses ride slowly” warning in the map a woman from a horse stable came yelling at us that we couldn’t ride there as it is prohibited to cyclists. So we had to turn around and find a different way. Is is accurate? I wonder if what she was saying is really true or not… can a road be prohibited for cyclists and only allowed to horse riders??

    1. Hej Vera,

      Sorry you had an issue today whilst out riding.
      I probably would have done the same thing as you if I was met by a very angry person.
      I think they have a problem with mopeds on the same track.

      Bit it’s not true what she was saying. It is extremely difficult to block cyclists from using paths. Next to impossible.
      They need to display the permit they have gotten in order to prevent you from using the trail.
      Was there a permit saying no cycling?

      In horse areas you should always ride slowly and if you meet a horse on a path, track or road you should alert the rider and wait for their instructions.
      Was the location where I have marked a warning on the map?



      1. Hi Michael,

        Thanks for your reply. The woman talked to us some metres before the warning sign, just in the corner, near a stable.

        I couldn’t see a permit, we just saw a horse only type of sign (I think it was yellow). We said we were following an online route and that we would be slow, and she still said we couldn’t go ahead so to avoid confusion we just turned around and found another way using our Wahoo.

        Cheers, Vera

        1. Hej Vera,

          I’ve altered the track now around the horse stables.
          I think it could actually be a better way.
          If you ride it again can you please share your thoughts?



    1. Glad you like it. I always go anti-clockwise. I guess going clockwise you get all the urban area out of the way first!
      Thanks for sharing.

  8. Tried this route today, unfortunately they put a permanently locked gate at the entrance of the small “Väsby” settlement south of Tyresta. I did not find an easy way around this and instead followed the big Dalarövägen road in the south for a while (not recommended). Looking at the map now, maybe you could turn west north of Mörby somewhere and then go south to link up with the original route again?

    1. Another rider route the route last weekend and had no problem. He said there was a door in the fence. If you ride there again can you let us know?

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